Tuesday, October 20, 2009

France/Paris-to-Bruges, Day 3

Well - after 54km cycling, the 'long' route group made it to Compiegne - a beautiful (and busy) town that owes its architectural wealth to its proximity to Paris and the enormous woods surrounding it, in which the French kings loved to hunt.

The woods are criss-crossed with walking, biking tracks and roads, and are a great place to ride - havnt seen any deer (oh ....) but can imagine them deeper in - pretty lakes abound also

There's also a Chateau here (we arrived to late to see it), a national stud farm, and 'le Tour Jeanne d'Arc'

Well, we got here just before the rain - and tomorrow aint lookin hot - so we'll suck it and see

Shower, dinner, bed, all next on the agenda

A bientot tout-le-monde

Ps ; Special mention to Paul Marklew, hope you got the sms - I will be drinking the red in your honour, tonight - happy birthday

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