Monday, October 19, 2009

France/Paris-to-Bruges, Day 2

Well, yesterday saw us notch up 54km more, and end up in a town called Creil - pronounced 'Cray'

The town is big, busy, and its only claim to fame appears to be fine pottery

The 'pace' we're doing is about 20km/h - we still split into a short (distance) and long group, the short group doing about 20km less each day - most of the people here are 70+ ... The long group therefore see$s to comprise anyone short of that + one older guy who can likely outride all of us ......

Went to Chantilly Castle - still couldn't see its connection with cream, although Marcus the chef (German, interesting sense of humour) did whip up some cream to serve with the applecake he made for dessert last night ... Somehow I don't think I'm burning enough calories to survive a 3 course meal each night !!!

Today is off to Compiegne, cycling through some rolling roads and more royal forest

Flash report 3 cyclists went missing in forest yesterday causing consternation to their guide (they did utter last words to the effect 'keep going, we need a boy break' which she seemed to miss) .. Said cyclists turned up a few minutes later looking 'relieved'


Ps : 2mrw's weather report aint looking crash hot, we'll 'suck it and see'

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