Saturday, September 19, 2009

You know you're in London when ....

1) Your flight arrives at 6:30am and you can't get into your hotel room 'till 2pm - so you're strung out, smelly, and have to wait another unholy amt of time to crash

2) You decide to crash on a park bench and watch the squirrels (not a eupenhism for anything, I mean gray squirrels) .... Cute .... Photo evidence to be provided at a later point in time

Ttfn, your intrepid traveller

Ps ... Apparently red squirrels are hard to find and not in these parts anyway ... Might be a change from 'cat, the other white meat' though


  1. Hope you are getting over the jet lag. Have you got any good squirrel recipes?


  2. enjoy pommie land, have a few beers for me
